SHEPHERD (Self Help Promotion for Health and Rural Development) was established in 1995 as a society to promote pioneering initiatives on livelihoods promotion, poverty reduction and women  empowerment. It believes in direct grass root action   through carefully crafted development programmes   on various themes so as to bring everlasting impact   in the lives of rural communities.
SHEPHERD identified Micro Finance, Health, Social Security and Livelihoods promotion through Business Development Services (BDS) as majorthemes. These themes are connected to each other and effectively implemented through focused programmes and concerted efforts. At the same time, promotion of theme based organizations enables SHEPHERD, the parent organization to be mean, lean, effective and competitive.

These organizations strive to achieve scale in the 'Specific theme' and evolve based on emerging needs of the communities and changing macro environment, thus continue to be innovative and people based. SHEPHERD’s core values are the binding and facilitating mechanism through which thematic organizations are organized, managed and controlled. Each theme based organization is represented by a board member from SHEPHERD along with domain experts and surabhi members.

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SHEPHERD is a professional development organization. The core purpose of SHEPHERD is impacting poverty by identifying socially relevant themes and devising programmes based on its core values, principles and operating guidelines. SHEPHERD created pioneering models in micro finance, social security and Health. A new experimentation is going to be initiated shortly to work in the new theme of livelihoods promotion through proactive and forward looking business development support services.

NDFS offers Micro Finance Services to rural poor communities by organizing them into Self Help Groups (Surabhis). It promotes peoples organizations by networking SHGs in the villages, through which micro Finance Programme is managed. People’s organizations are owned, managed and controlled by rural women. NDFS coordinates with banks and financial institutions to mobilize resources in order to on lend to members.

Developing a comprehensive, viable and sustainable social security scheme to the unorganized rural communities, has become a reat challenge. has come out with a viable social security schemes in the areas of Health Promotion, Micro Insurance and Micro Pension
SBDS offers Business Development support services to strengthen existing livelihoods and to create new micro enterprises through skill building, re-skilling and other complimentary services. These services include activity clusters creation, establishment of forward and backward linkages and value addition to the existing usiness and production processes and products.
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